Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between LUFC and LSA?
Lakewood Soccer association offers recreational level soccer to the Lakewood community for ages 3 through 14. Teams are coed and the emphasis is on learning basic soccer skills while having fun with players of the same age group. Practices are held once weekly with and all games are played in Lakewood on Saturdays with 2 separate seasons, fall and spring.
Lakewood United FC offers travel level soccer to the Lakewood community for ages 8-15. Teams are age and gender specific with emphasis on building on the fundamental skills of soccer and playing at a higher level of competition. Practices are held twice weekly and games are played on Sundays with 2 separate seasons, fall and spring. Games are played in Lakewood for home games and neighboring communities for away games with travel times to away games usually being less than 30min. LUFC participates in the Ohio Travel Soccer League.
The third and highest level of competition for youth soccer is club soccer. This is for elite players in each age and gender group. Practices are usually 2-3 times per week with games on weekends. Teams travel throughout NEO for league games and also travel throughout Ohio and beyond for tournaments. Players participate on a year round basis once at the club soccer level where they are able to fine tune their skills playing against other elite players. These club teams are usually taught by paid, licensed coaches and team fees usually exceed thousands of dollars each year. Lakewood does not have a club soccer program affiliated with the community but there are multiple club teams throughout the Cleveland area.
What is the Ohio travel soccer league and who competes in it?
The OHTSL is a youth soccer league for travel/community players for both boys and girls between 8 and 15 years old. The league is comprised of 101 members and 900 teams throughout Northern Ohio with both competitive and geographical brackets. The league is a proud member of US Club Soccer. Each age group is divided into brackets with Divisions 1 and 2 being competitive divisions with teams from the entire North East Ohio/Cleveland Metropolitan area. Division 3-6 are broken up into geographic region, such as West, East, and South. Each team within LUFC is positioned at the start of each season in the division that the coach and LUFC board members see as the most appropriate allowing our teams to compete against other teams of the same skill level.
WHen do spring and fall sessions start?
The Fall season starts each year in August and goes into October. The spring session starts in April and goes into June of each year. Each session consists of 8 games.
How and when can I register for LUFC?
Registration typically opens for the fall session in June/July and the spring session opens in January of each year. Registration for LUFC is completed through the Lakewood Rec Department website. To be directed to the website, please click here.
How much does LUFC cost for each session?
Each session costs $175. Financial aide is available to those that qualify, please contact the board for more details. board@lakewoodunitedfc.org
Can my child play in only 1 session per year or are they required to play in both Fall and SPring sessions?
Players are encouraged to play in both Fall and Spring sessions each year to help them grow as a player and also as a team. However, LUFC understands that kids may want to play other sports and family life can be busy. Many current players do only play 1 session each year.
Who coaches the individual teams?
Coaches are typically experienced and knowledgeable parent(s) of players on the team who are interested in fostering the growth and development of each player and the team as a whole. If you are interested in helping coach your child’s team, please reach out to the LUFC board. There is currently only 1 team in the entire LUFC program who is coached by a non-parent coach.
Where and When are games played?
Games are typically played on Sundays but can be scheduled any day of the week except Saturdays. Games played on Sundays can be played at anytime during day light hours and games on weekdays are typically played no earlier than 5pm and are based on available daylight depending on time of year.
Games are played at both home and away sites. For home games in Lakewood, games are played at either Lakewood High School, Garfield Middle School, Madison Park, or Cove Park depending on player age. Away games are played at at the opposing team’s fields are based on what community your team is playing for that game. Away games are usually no farther than 30-40min away.
How often are practices and where are they located?
Practices are held during the week Monday - Thursday at multiple sites in Lakewood. At the start of each season, a practice schedule will be developed by LUFC for each team. Teams practices twice per week for 1.5 hours with their team/age group. Practices are usually held at Madison Park, Cove Park, Garfield Middle School, Harding Middle School, and the North Lot at the Lakewood High School (just north of the high school parking lot by the soft ball field). LUFC shares these fields with other programs and teams in Lakewood so practice locations can vary season to season and year to year.
How do I contact the LUFC organization if I have any direct questions?
If you have any direct questions regarding the LUFC program, please feel free to contact the LUFC board members through the contact page on this site or can email them directly at: board@lakewoodunitedfc.org
Who is on the LUFC board?
The LUFC board is currently made up of 12 volunteer based individuals who are interested in helping grow the LUFC program and ensuring the day to day operations are managed. Please see the Contact page on this site for a list of each LUFC Board member.
how do I know if practices or games are canceled?
Practices and game cancellations are usually due to weather related issues. Practices and games that are cancelled in advance are usually due to poor field conditions. For home games/practices, the Lakewood Rec Department makes the determination for field closures. That information is communicated through an automated phone message at:
(216) 529 - 4117
What size soccer ball does my player need?
Soccer ball size depends on the age of the player. Size 3 soccer balls are used with players between 3 and 7 years of age. Size 4 soccer balls are used for players between ages 8 and 11 years of age. Size 5 soccer balls are for ages 12+. Since LUFC’s youngest players are age 8, all LUFC teams play with either a size 4 or size 5 ball.
What is needed for each practice and game?
For practices, players are expected to wear soccer cleats, shin guards, and soccer socks while bringing their own ball and water bottle. For games, players are expected to wear their LUFC team uniform and soccer cleats while bringing their own water bottle and soccer ball.